Admissions FAQ

We understand that choosing a school for your children is an important decision.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions by families considering The English School. If you have a question that is not addressed on this page, please Contact Us and we will provide you with a response at the earliest.

T.E.S. is a not for profit co-educational prep school catering for pupils from the ages of 3 to 13.

T.E.S. is a member of / accredited by the following organisations:

IAPS – Independent Association of Prep Schools – 630 schools in the UK, 50 others around the world, 18 in the Middle East. The IAPS kitemark is a kitemark of excellence and is not easy to achieve, so we are very proud to be an IAPS school.

BSME – British Schools in the Middle East over 130 member schools educating 70,000 in 13 countries

COBIS (Council of British International Schools) and BSO (British Schools Overseas), inspected every 3 years by ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) who inspect the vast majority of UK independent schools and many of the very best international British curriculum schools globally – in January 2019 we were received the highest accolade and we were ranked as excellent in learning and achievement and personal development.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (3 years to 5 years of age) and the National Curriculum for England (5+ years to 13 years of age) plus any additional features required for specific entry to future schools.

We use a triangulated approach to assessments that enable us to not only track and respond to academic needs, but personal development goals too. From Year 2, up to and including Year 8, children sit Pupil Attitudes to Self and School surveys and strategically placed New Group Reading Tests to carefully monitor reading skills. This is in addition to maths and English progress tests and includes science progress tests from Year 3. Underpinning our assessment pathway is our focus on cognitive ability data which is gathered in Years 4-8, early in term one, which helps teachers to measure pupils’ potential.

By monitoring children carefully in this way, we are able to build a picture of attainment while cross referencing this to potential and pupils’ feelings and self esteem. We are proud that this leads to bespoke and individual pupil driven, next steps to help children achieve their full potential. Furthermore, this is closely monitored by a hardworking team of teachers, personal tutors, Heads of Department, Heads of Year, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and the school’s leadership team.

All assessments and surveys are taken from the GL testing suite, which enables us to track our children against hundreds of thousands of other schools both in the UK and globally to ensure that our academic rigour is closely monitored and celebrated regularly. Further specialist assessments may also be set for children with additional learning needs and parents and children are kept fully apprised, should this be the case.

Our youngest children undergo baseline testing based on National Curriculum objectives in EYFS and KS1. This data is then logged and cross referenced with our internal tracking systems which closely monitor key performance indicators alongside additional systems in maths and reading attainment. Progress and attainment can be a rapidly changing picture in this area of the school, consequently, all teachers are experienced in applying continuous assessment of the whole child in their daily practice and use this to make immediate and longer term changes to provision and next steps to ensure all children are encouraged to reach their full potential.

Our overall approach to testing is reviewed regularly; it remains our aim to ensure that our whole school testing pathway aids and informs success and confidence towards current and future learning.

3 to 13 years.

Yes, children must speak English, at a peer equivalent level. We also, regretfully, must reserve the right not to take children whom we feel we cannot educate because of profound behavioural, learning or physical disabilities.

Yes – if we are sure we understand their needs and can educate them effectively without detracting from the education of their peers.

Please submit an online application form and the Head of Admissions will contact you to advise whether places are available and to schedule a convenient time for a tour of the school if appropriate.

Relative to their ability they are almost always ahead of peers with equal ability and are socially confident and integrate well.

Yes, Arabic and French. Arabic for Arabs and Islamic Studies for Arabs is mandatory from Year 1 upwards and Arabic for non-Arabs from Year 3. Kuwait Social Studies is also taught from Year 5, as is French to all pupils.

Yes, and any other schools the children may be going to. We offer detailed reports to assist in transition and invigilate entrance and scholarship exams if asked to do so.

  • caring, strong pastoral and academic systems
  • excellent results
  • spacious accommodation
  • all fees spent on the school (not-for-profit)
  • rounded curriculum
  • good specialist facilities
  • belief in the individual
  • aspiration to excellence relative to ability
  • educating the whole child
  • approachable, open door policy
  • working in partnership, understand that parents are the prime educators and know their child best
  • one large family
  • traditional values, teach the difference between right and wrong
  • developing independent learners
  • challenging the less able, ‘average’ and able (and very able) at the leading edge of their ability

Our 5 core values of Integrity, Confidence, Positivity, Empathy and Respect are at the heart of all that we do. We also work hard to promote those all important soft skills, that cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, and good manners etc that are becoming increasingly important in the world today.

Please refer to the Tuition & Fees section of the website for further details.


No. School fees can be settled in three instalments.

Yes, depending on the area you live in Kuwait. The School provides transportation through a sub contractor. All buses have central air conditioning, a driver and a chaperone, seat belts and heavy curtains. All drivers carry a mobile phone so that they can be reached by the school administration if necessary, and at least one if not both of the adults on the bus speaks English.

This depends on the area you live and if you require one or two ways. Please contact for further information.

The last bus leaves school at 2:30pm.

Our average class size is 23.

The school offers a selection of ECA’s on a termly basis. These generally cover, sports, swimming, arts and crafts and music.

Yes, we have a 25 metre 6 lane pool with double deep-ends and adjoining beginners pool.

Yes we offer a Late Club.

Our teaching staff, with the exception of the Arabic department, are British trained with British qualifications. We keep up to speed with the changes in curriculum and adapt our academic direction accordingly.

The English School reports formally to parents twice a year, at the end of term 1 and the end of the academic year via written academic reports. In addition, parent consultations are conducted twice a year.

Continual teacher assessment takes place at regular intervals throughout the school year. Specific assessments in reading, maths, cognitive thinking and phonics (pre-prep) are timetabled throughout the year to track progress. Progress tests take place at the end of each school year in maths and English (Years 1-8) and Science (Years 3-8), which are compared on a global scale and reported to parents at the end of the year.

With approximately 30% of the pupils on roll being British (higher than any other school in Kuwait), and in excess of 60% of pupils from native English speaking countries, the language of the playground is English.

The school is legally owned by Mr Emad Mohamed Abudulrahman Al-Bahar. However uniquely for a private school in Kuwait, the owner does not run it as a business for profit. Instead, responsibility for the administration of the school is vested in the Governing Committee whose members serve in a voluntary capacity.

Yes!  Our KS3 academic results are impressive and sit at the top end of global comparative data.  Additionally, the academic resilience that your child will build thanks to the personalised learning and stretch challenges our small class sizes afford, will better prepare them for the challenges of formal exams further down the road.  In terms of their personal and social development, your child’s unique strengths will be recognised and they will have the opportunity to lead by example in a field that they are passionate about.  Our various leadership initiatives will see your child develop and practice their leadership in numerous ways: on the sports field, as an Eco warrior, as a play or learning mentor for younger pupils, as a school prefect, Head librarian or House captain to name but a few examples.  Rest assured your child will be seen, valued, challenged and rewarded here at TES.

Yes, however this is dependent on whether you are applying from overseas or in Kuwait where your child is already attending school. Please contact for further information.

No. T.E.S. is an independent not for profit school.

If you use a free web based mail system such as Hotmail or SPAM filtering software on your own PC, please ensure that you add the domain “” to your safe list to ensure you receive our mailings. Once the application form has been received an automated response will be sent followed by an email from the Head of Admissions within approximately one week.

At TES we welcome children from around the globe every year, who arrive with a wide range of educational backgrounds.  To ensure consistency of academic and social development within our classrooms, a child’s assessment level will be determined by their chronological age.  Please refer to our Year Groups area for further details.

Please email for school tour inquiries.

Yes we have a school nurse on-site.