Parent Partnership Programme

The English School Parent Partnership Programme

Parenting involves giving children the care, education and attention they need to learn and develop. As children go on to spend time in out-of-home settings parents continue to support their learning and development. This is more effective when parents complement children’s experiences in a particular setting.

Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child’s life. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education.

Parents who take on a supportive role in their children’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour. The active involvement of parents can help promote a learning community in which children and young people can engage positively with teachers and their peers.

Schools can benefit from developing positive partnerships with parents by involving them in decisions affecting their children’s education and learning. Engaging with parents gives them the chance to understand the role that they play in their children’s learning and development and fosters parental involvement.

What are the benefits of parents getting involved?

Children benefit

  • It is easier for children to learn when they get encouragement at home
  • They will do better and achieve more when their parents are involved
  • They get access to more activities in and out of school when there are more adults to help
  • Their concerns can be sorted out quicker when their parents have a positive relationship with school staff
  • They are happy when their parents are enjoying events in the school

Parents benefit

  • Their children do better when parents are involved
  • They are better able to help and encourage their children
  • They have more information about their children’s education
  • Parents can build their own confidence and skills
  • Where there is a positive relationship between parents and their child’s school there are benefits all round
  • Parents get reassurance that their children are receiving a good education

The school benefits

  • Parents bring skills which complement teachers’ skills and expertise
  • Parents contribute their time, so together parents and teachers are able to do more activities with pupils than teachers can on their own
  • Pupils' attainment and behaviour improve
  • Parents have ideas about how the school can best support their children
  • Teachers have people with whom they can talk over ideas and get help when developing plans for the school
  • Parents can give advice and help around reaching other parents.