Performing Arts

Music & Drama


Music lessons at TES begin in Reception and give the children an opportunity to learn a variety of instruments including the ukulele, keyboards and violin. In Years 3-5 the children put on a small musical show linked with the topics they are studying such as The Tudors, Romans and Egyptians.

In the upper school the children focus on using music technology to compose and arrange their own music. Singing is a key part of life at TES, all children regularly sing in their lessons and we have 3 well attended choirs who regularly perform at concerts both in and out of school.

We have a team of 6 talented visiting music teachers who offer instrumental lessons on the violin, piano, drums, guitar, saxophone, clarinet, flute, trumpet and trombone. String ensemble, Jazz bands and music theory lessons are also available as extra curricular activities. We are the proud hosts of the BSME Music Festival which takes place once a year and is a popular festival with musicians from all over the Middle East.


The Drama curriculum at TES offers an enriching journey through the captivating world of theatre. In Year 5 Drama, students explore the diverse history of theatre, delving into ancient Asian, Greek, and Roman traditions to understand the origins and evolution of performance across civilizations. The second half of the year spotlights the Renaissance era, with a focus on Shakespearean works and the development of Vaudeville and Victorian theatre. Through virtual trips to Greek amphitheatres and The Globe Theatre, as well as scene creation and performance activities, they engage in interactive experiences, bringing history to life. In Year 6, the spotlight shifts to modern-day theatre, examining the evolution of performance mediums and techniques.

From radio shows to exploring the nuances of character development and stage combat, students are encouraged to embrace the dynamic landscape of contemporary drama. In Year 7, students explore ensemble dynamics, delve into the art of monologues, and recognize the significance of backstage elements. They analyse the impact of set and costume design, and explore how lighting choices influence scene ambiance. Year 8 focuses on refining individual talents within group settings, leading to the development of original performance pieces. Our Drama curriculum fosters creativity, critical thinking, and instils a lasting appreciation for the performing arts through.

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