Prep Pastoral & Curriculum

The English School follows the National Curriculum for England and a high level of pastoral care is provided for every child. Pupils make the transition into the prep school in Year 3 when the day is extended for an additional hour. Specialist teaching in art, computing, design & technology and games is added to that already established in pre prep: music and PE.


Additionally, we are obliged to teach Arabic for Arabs and Islamic Studies for Arabs from Year 1 upwards, and Arabic for non-Arabs from Year 3 upwards. Kuwait Social Studies is also an additional requirement of the Kuwaiti Ministry for Education and this is taught from Year 5 upwards.

Children remain class based through to the end of Year 5, but the amount of specialist teaching they receive gradually increases. In Year 5 there are specialist teachers for science and French. From Year 6 to 8 children have tutors and all other teaching is via subject

A House System operates whereby each child from Year 1 to Year 8 is assigned to one of the four Houses (Balmoral, Buckingham, Sandringham, Windsor). Children collect STAR (Service, Team, Attitude & Results) points (house points) individually for good work etc and as a group e.g. at Sports Day. This fosters both a community spirit and healthy competition, as well as allowing children to mix with different age groups. Weekly assemblies are used to reinforce the Personal, Social, Health, Education & Citizenship aspects of learning and to celebrate success.

Children are encouraged to take on positions of responsibility within the school. A group of prefects from Year 8, including a Head Boy and Head Girl, are nominated by the Headteacher and play an important role. In Year 3 to 8 each class elects a school council representative. There are also a host of other leadership opportunities available including Playground Squad, Tidy Team, IT Crew and Class Librarians.

The Behaviour Management Policy, based primarily on positive reinforcement, is implemented fairly and consistently by teachers so that children have clear boundaries. The school has a zero tolerance policy towards bullying and a detailed structure for child protection is in place.

Twice yearly, in Term 1 and 2, there are Parent Consultations, where you will have the opportunity to meet individually with the teacher for an update on your child’s progress and at the end of Term 1 and 3, you will receive a formal written report on your child’s progress and attainment.