Did you know ?
TES is the only school in Kuwait with a Governing Committee.

New pupils appreciate the care that is taken when they join the school
ISI 2019

The school’s Governors are from diverse business, education and military backgrounds and bring with them a wide range of experiences that help to keep TES moving forwards in safe, yet innovative hands.

They meet each term, together with the Headteacher, Deputy Head and the School Bursar, to discuss and debate the school’s current status and plan strategic development. Meetings are always colourful and lively with a strong sense of purpose. Above all else, the Governors care passionately about the school. We aim to continue to be one of the leading preparatory schools in the Middle East region and to do so rely upon the Governors’ direction and initiatives in support of the Headteacher and the school’s Leadership Team.

The current Governing Committee members are:

  • Brig. Gavin Thompson (Chairman)
  • Mr. Samer Alabed
  • Mr. Alexander Bannerman
  • Mrs. Wendy Beddison
  • Mr. Luis Cunha
  • Mr. Gaurav Dokania
  • Mr. Michael Holmes
  • Mr. Kevin Javaheri
  • Mrs. Norma Kandari
  • Mrs. Caroline Rosinski Al-Saleh 

To contact the Governors please use our online contact form and select "Governors" from the Department drop down menu.